If you have been trying to hard to
reduce the weight but still left wonder how?
Here are some practical and simple tips; just practicing these sincerely
for 20 days at a stretch is sure you start showing results and you start lose your
weight in no time.
1. Take a paper and write down your
weight loss goal – Most people do not do this, but believe me, it works.
Whether you want to lose 10 kilos in 3 months, just reduce your belly or maybe
just increase your energy levels, you can also write it all down in a weight
loss diary or journal. The first step to reduce weight is to know and tell
yourself how much you need to reduce. Here’s a beginner’s guide to weight loss
at home in 30 days.
2. Walking
is an ideal exercise for weight loss, burn more calories than you consume. It’s
a low-impact exercise, it may sound very simple but it does need some planning. To get an idea
– a single hour
of walking at a brisk pace of 5 km/h burns just 145 calories, whereas a single
McVeggie Burger contains 465 calories. Calculate how much weight you can loose
in a month.
3. Sugar is your Enemy replace your calorie laden
latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar
and a ton of protein This zero-calorie natural wonder is now available in almost all chain
superstores. It is also useful in lowering blood sugar and curbing diabetes.
Another great trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or
oatmeal- the spice has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows
the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.
4. It takes fat to burn fat.
Like I said above, its sugar that gets you fit, not fat. Good fats include
foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are
full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day. Another great
trick use brown rice
instead of white – Not only does brown rice have
fewer calories, it also has more fiber which makes you feel fuller for longer.
Brown rice also retains the brain which helps lower cholesterol levels. Never
starve to lose weight. If you go on a strict no-food or a reduced food diet,
your body thinks you are starving and tries to save calories instead of burning
them. Eat negative calorie foods which
actually have very less calories.
5. Slowing down your breath. This
is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing
something else. Whenever you notice you’re feeling tense and uptight check and
see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding
their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become
aware of your own breathing, consciously relax your belly and slow down the
breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather
than your inhalation. With each exhalation you can say to yourself “slow down”.
That is all there is to it- Simple but surprisingly effective!!!
6. Alcohol is weight loss’s worst
enemy – Not only does it add unnecessary calories because it is a drink and you
do not realize how much you are consuming, it can also damage your exercise
plans the morning after. So, stay away from alcohol or even mock tails with
high sugar content. Fresh lime soda with no sugar or just plain lime juice is
your best bet. Vegetable juices are also available in most places these days.
7. Whenever you feel hungry in
between meals, drink water – Most of the time, when we ‘feel’ hungry, it is
really just thirst and our body craving for something. Filling it up with water
can help beat the hunger pangs.
8. Eat fruits and veggies 5 times
a day – These are low-calorie wonder foods which also supply you with great
nutrition. Eat a fruit in the morning before breakfast; eat a mid-morning fruit
instead of snacking. Eat a big portion of fresh vegetable salad in the
afternoon before you eat lunch. Have a fruit in the evening instead of snacking
on fried food and oodles of coffee. And eat either a big bowl of vegetable
soup, a quick stir-fry with very little oil or a salad in the evening.
9. Eat your dinner by 7:30 PM –
We Indians are used to eating a heavy and late dinner. Since there is very less
gap between your dinner and sleep time, the digestion is affected and can wreck
your weight loss plans. Reduce your intake of salty food – We know you love
pickles, pa pads and other salty snacks. But the salt is very bad for your weight loss plans as they can cause water retention and bloating. Stay away
from them as much as possible.
10. Eat at home more often – We
know this is very difficult and boring but you need to make up your mind for
this. If you have a credit card, keep it under lock and key. Set yourself a
withdrawal limit. Try cooking some of our health recipes. Not only do you learn
new recipes, you also lose weight and are more conscious about what you eat. It
is also a great idea to eat to your fill before you go out for parties,
11. Add more spices in your food
– Spices have metabolism-increasing properties. Adding spices like pepper, chili,
cumin, turmeric, mustard, etc not only increases the flavor, it also helps you
reduce weight.
12. Reduce intake of red meat
like mutton and beef – Stick to chicken instead. It contains lots of proteins
and can fill you up for longer. If you are working out in the gym, it can be a
great way to fuel up. Fish also is a healthier option as it has the good fats.
It has lesser calories than chicken.
13. Workout in the morning –
Before you get involved in the day-to-day humdrum, go for your workout or jog.
It is a time when you are fresh and charged after a long night of sleep and is
the best to workout. If getting up in the morning is a problem, try jogging
machine – pack your gym bag or workout clothes and keep them near your
bed. Record your own voice reminding you about your weight loss goal and set it
as your alarm tone.
14. Eat a heavy breakfast – Most
people end up skipping breakfast to lose weight. But this is the worst thing
they could do. Traditional south Indian dishes like idlis, dosas, upma, etc.
are great options. Avoid sweetened cornflakes and muesli.
Here are some healthy breakfast recipes.
15. Exercise for at least 45
minutes a day – Studies have shown that this is the optimal time to exercise.
Yoga, aerobics, weight training, swimming, zumba, Kettle bell, Cycling,
Running, Tennis, Cross Fit, Jumping Rope, Pushups, TV Commercial Workout or any
other form will do. But 45 minutes are is keys to weight loss. Include weight
training in your regime. This will help build lean muscle, which in turn
increase your metabolism and make your body a fat-burning machine.
16. Do not let exercise get
monotonous. Do not go to the gym every single day. Join a dance or zumba class,
go for a morning jog and try martial arts. Plan a Sunday swim with friends.
Whatever works for you!
in the next post we will discuss about WINTER DRY SKIN CHECK UP
in the next post we will discuss about WINTER DRY SKIN CHECK UP
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